Online Science Classes
Often students who wish to come to the United States to study find it much easier to handle their science classes and are much more successful if they can clearly understand terms and concepts in English before they start.
The Princeton Academy of Language and Science provides online science classes to foreign students planning on studying in the United States. The need for these types of educational programs is very large, and many foreign parents as well as educators have shown strong interest in finding providers who can meet the need of a growing demand for science education taught in English.
We offer introductory-level and intermediate-level science courses for middle-school and high school/college students, so you can start your studies in the U.S. already prepared.
The introductory-level course is a review of many main concepts of each subject, and the intermediate-level course goes into topics in more depth and students are more involved in question-and-answer and applying what they are learning.
Both courses are a review of basic concepts in 8 different science subjects:
Brushing Up On Science